Which Bead Type Are You?


Which Bead Type Are You?


Which Bead Type Are You?

Take our simple quiz to find out which bead type best describes your personality!
Pick an answer and tally up your points. When you're done, scroll down to find out the results.

Which Bead Type Are You?


1. How do you spend your time off?
- Doing something exciting (skydiving, traveling, etc) (1)
- Going to a salon or spa (2)
- Catching up with friends (3)
- Going to museums and historial sites (4)
- Reading or relaxing at home (5)


2. What's your favorite type of book to read?
- Young Adult Literature (1)
- Romantic Novels (2)
- Mysteries/Thrillers (3)
- Classic Literature (4)
- It depends on your mood (5)


3. What is your dream vacation destination?
- Anything outdoors (skiing, hiking, swimming with the dolphins) (1)
- Doesn't really matter, as long as there's a beach (2)
- Europe, to soak up all the art and culture (3)
- A town rich with history that has been preserved as it once was (4)
- A "stay-cation" at home (5)


4. Who is your favorite classic film actress?
- Katharine Hepburn (1)
- Marilyn Monroe (2)
- Ingrid Bergman (3)
- Audrey Hepburn (4)
- Grace Kelly (5)


5. Where are you most likely to wear your latest jewelry creation?
- You make jewelry designs for every day wear (1)
- A fancy dinner or party (2)
- On a trip or for a special, personal event (3)
- A night at the opera or theater (4)
- You like to give away your jewelry designs as gifts (5)



5-9 points: Seed Bead
Classic Daisy Chain

You are versatile, reliable, and well-loved. Just like seed beads that can be used for a variety of techniques and styles, you are not afraid to try new things. However, even though you are an adventurous spirit, you are trustworthy and others feel they can depend on you.




10-13 points: Crystal
Crystal Dewdrop Earrings


Like stunning crystals, you are glamorous and bold. You have a lovely, sparkling spirit that draws people to you. Just like these shiny beads, you light up every room you enter.





14-16 points: Briolette

Blue Briolette Earrings


Briolette beads are multi-faceted and brilliant. They have a unique shape and style. Similarly, you march to the beat of your own drum. Your versatile and interesting experiences make you fascinating.






17-20 points: Pearl
Chanel-Inspired Pearl Bracelet


Pearls are classic and sophisticated. You have an appreciation for the finer things in life, but you are also modest. Elegant and chic, you know how to handle any situation with style and grace.





21-25 points: Gemstone
Beaded Gemstone Necklace


Gemstones are traditional, resourceful, and grounded. Gemstones are precious. When people find you, they stay loyal to you. You are admired for your generousity, kindness, and class.







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I am a gemstone! Definitely going to be using gemstones in my next homemade jewelry project!

Cool Im a gemstone! Rockin!

I'm a briolette! I guess I know which beads I'll use for my next jewelry project!

omg I'm a pearl! I knew it.

made it to gemstone. tats me, hard as a rock but when polished, beautiful!

I got pearl. Yes that sounds like me. Was fun

I got Crystal! That is so true, I love anything that sparkles!

I got Crystal! That is so true, I love anything that sparkles!

I got Pearl! Love it!


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