Cyndi Lavin, Beading Arts


Cyndi Lavin, Beading Arts

Cyndi Lavin, Jewelry DesignerI don't really remember there ever being a time when I wasn't making something, even if it was just making a mess as a small child! I credit my mother, RuthAnn Lavin, with encouraging and modeling everyday creativity for me. I was always making, and sometimes selling, small things as a child, but I discovered along the way that what I really like most is helping other people figure stuff out too. Creativity has too narrow a definition in some people's worlds, and I really believe that if you find the form of creativity that you were designed by your Creator to express, you'll be a much happier person.

When people ask me what I do for a living, my standard reply is, "I make things and I write about it."  If they show interest, then I elaborate, but that still strikes me as the best description of my work day. I have a wonderful studio which includes space for both my work table and my writing desk.




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I was looking for the Tiger Lily Beaded Necklace pattern but got the message "Server not found"

Hi there! Here is the direct link to the Tiger Lily Beaded Necklace project page: Use the provided link and then click on the green "Click here for jewelry project" and that will take you to the tutorial. Let us know if we can be of more assistance! Happy jewelry making! -Editors of AllFreeJewelryMaking


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