
Knockoff Anthropologie Necklace

Knockoff Anthropologie Necklace

Sometimes a copycat accessory is even better than the original. For example, the Knockoff Anthropologie Necklace is more dazzling than the necklace that inspired it. Substituting gold, black, and white for the muted yellow of the Anthropologie version, you'll create a glamorous accessory in a few hours. Black and white are a great combination because they are on opposite ends of the color spectrum. The contrast between the two is totally striking, and gold tube beads give this knockoff jewelry pattern extra shine. Try this tutorial to see how easy it is to get a fabulous accessory without setting foot in an Anthropologie store.

Project TypeMake a Project

Bead TypeCrystal, Metal

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Bead Technique UsedStrung

Bead Project TypeNecklace


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